Discover the cause of the generator's failure to start!

29 December 2023

penyebab genset tidak mau hidup

Sobat Honda' ownership of various tools, machines, including generators clearly needs to be maintained properly. Has Sobat Honda carried out proper maintenance? Or perhaps what Sobat Honda has been doing wrong all this time? Is it possible that this maintenance is the cause of the generator not turning on as it should?

It goes without saying that any machine, like a generator, needs to be maintained and cleaned regularly. Sobat Honda can't just use it without carrying out regular checks on the various components in the generator when the time comes.

If this is done, don't be shocked if the generator is permanently unable to start or is severely damaged. Sobat Honda' purchase of a generator with their hard-earned cash was a complete waste.

However, apart from carrying out the necessary maintenance, Sobat Honda should also buy a quality generator from the very first time. Buying a good quality generator will certainly bring more benefits.

When a better generator is turned on, its performance will be considerably more optimal. A generator's durability will undoubtedly be significantly stronger if Sobat Honda gets one similar to the one provided by Honda Power Products. This is because all generator items offered by Honda Power items are made using only the best materials and cutting-edge technology.

Without any further ado, let’s go to find out about what reason that stops the generator machine from starting!

6 Reasons the Generator Won't Start

The generator is an important device used in order to provide backup electricity supplies in emergency situations or when a power outage occurs. However, there are several problems that can also cause the generator to not start. Some of the causes include the following.

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1. Fuel Problems

The fuel problem is one of the most frequent causes of generator machine trouble. Undoubtedly, the generator's ability to operate can also be hampered by the lack of fuel or fuel of a poor quality.

Even the mere presence of scale or dirt in the gasoline tank might result in more severe harm. The generator engine's performance will continue to decline if Sobat Honda are unaware of this.

2. Defective or Dead Battery

A weak or even dead battery can be another cause of the generator's inability to start. Please note that a weak battery can also be caused by so many factors. If Sobat Honda is not diligent in cleaning all generator components regularly, do not be surprised if the terminals will definitely rust quickly.

3. A Spark Plug Injury

Spark plug issues with a generator engine might be brought on either damage or sludge. Even yet, when the generator is turned on, the spark plug plays a crucial part in the combustion process.

The function of the spark plug is to create a spark in the combustion chamber so that the combustion process of the mixture of clean air and fuel can take place perfectly. So it's clear that the generator won't start when the spark plugs are very dirty or damaged.

4. Circuit Breaker (Breaker) Off or Triggered

The circuit breaker, often known as the breaker, is a crucial part of the generator system that guards the engine against strong electrical surges to prevent short circuits. The generator can't start if the circuit breaker is engaged or off.

If Sobat Honda have already checked the other generator parts and found that there are no problems, and making sure that the breaker is the main cause of why the generator is dead.

5. Fuel System Problems

There could be an issue with the generator's machine fuel system in addition to the gasoline itself. Line blockages or leaks in the fuel hose can hinder the flow of fuel to the engine. In the end of these problems, the fuel the engine needs could not definitely be distributed and the generator machine won't start.

6. Critical Component Wear

As the generator ages, important components can experience wear and tear. The components in question are the clutch, ignition and air pressure regulator. This wear and tear can clearly hinder the performance of the generator and cause the generator to not start.

How to deal with a non-starting generator

When Sobat Honda finds out that the generator machine won't turn on, do not panic at all. Sobat Honda could probably still try to turn it on in various ways which will be explained below.

Read Also: 7 Causes And How To Fix The Generator Voltage Not Coming Out

1. Check Fuel System

Before Sobat Honda takes it to a service center, first try checking the availability of fuel in the generator. If the amount of fuel found is small then it is clear that the generator will not start. For this problem, of course, Sobat Honda only needs to fill up with fuel up to the maximum recommended limit.

And then also check the quality of the fuel that is used so that the combustion of the process is perfect. If it’s necessary, clean or replace the filter to ensure smooth fuel flow to the generator engine.

2. Examine the ignition system and battery.

If the fuel problem has been resolved but the generator still won't start, try checking the condition of the installed battery. Make sure the battery has enough power to start the generator engine.

Sobat Honda can also use a voltmeter to check how much power is available in the machine. If Sobat Honda finds the voltage is too low then it's a good idea to replace the battery with a new one.

A battery that has been used for too long certainly cannot be repaired to produce power like when it was first used. While replacing the battery, also check the generator ignition system to ensure all components are in good condition.

Some of the inspections of the ignition system parts in question are spark plugs, cables, and so on.

3. Make sure the circuit breaker is working.

Previously it was mentioned before that a dead circuit breaker will result in the generator machine not turning on. That means Sobat Honda has to make sure the circuit breaker is in the ON position.

If the circuit breaker is triggered then reset it by turning it off and on again. If this method has already been done but nothing happens, then try checking the condition of the breaker. Make sure that no damage occurs to these components.

4. Check the cooling system

The existence of a cooling system on the generator engine is useful for regulating the temperature to prevent overheating. However, if Sobat Honda finds that the generator won't turn on after using it, there is a possibility that the engine is overheating.

When this problem happens, Sobat Honda needs to check the coolant level in the channels. Make sure that there are no leaks in the cooling system that could cause the engine to overheat. If the fluid is definitely low, Sobat Honda can also fill the cooling system with the recommended special fluid so it could make the engine temperature can be lowered to normal conditions.

5. Bring the generator to a reputable repair facility

Sobat Honda should try taking the engine to a reputable repair facility if they have tried the aforementioned measures and the generator still won't start. A skilled expert will be able to conduct a thorough inspection and carry out the required repairs. 

Avoid repairing the generator if Sobat Honda don’t have sufficient knowledge or skills to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Looking at the actual information that was explained above, actually the cause of the generator not turning on is quite simple. Most of the problems that cause it could be overcome by the methods such as the refueling or the regularly cleaning a generator machine. 

Even though they are simple, these two things have a big influence on the durability of the generator engine that Sobat Honda has. When Sobat Honda routinely cleans and checks all existing generator components, the usage period can be very long.

However, if the generator won't start and Sobat Honda needs another, higher quality engine, just visit Honda Power Products now. There are various generator engine capacities available that Sobat Honda can choose according to their needs.

Various advanced technologies have been installed in the generator to ensure ease of use and efficiency when turned on. Of course, Honda Power Products only offers quality generators to ensure the satisfaction of Sobat Honda.

The generators that are available include the Generator - EU10iGenerator - EU22i, Generator - EU30is and many others. Then select the Honda Power Products generator that Sobat Honda requires right away, and bring it home right away!

Honda Power Products Indonesia

Honda Power Products menyediakan mesin serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, pompa air, dan mesin tempel.

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