4 FIFA Standard Stadiums in Indonesia

27 December 2023

stadion indonesia berstandar fifa

Indonesia, a country with high enthusiasm for soccer, continues striving to improve sports infrastructure to accommodate world-class matches. One significant step taken is the construction of FIFA standard stadiums in Indonesia.

Stadiums that have been built not only enhance the spectator experience, but also need to meet international requirements for hosting official matches. Among the requirements is having high-quality grass.

To improve grass quality, Sobat Honda can perform regular grass cutting. The tools used can be lawnmower or brushcutters, such as those offered by Honda Power Products.

So, which stadiums in Indonesia have good grass quality for soccer? To find out, Sobat Honda can read the complete description below.

What Is a FIFA Standard Stadium? 

A FIFA standard stadium is a sports facility that meets the criteria and guidelines set by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA). These standards include spectator capacity, facilities for players and officials, security, field quality, and match-supporting technology.

According to official information from FIFA and documents related to the FIFA Quality Programme for soccer turf, several types of grass adhere to the standards the global football federation sets, with the following specifications.

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1. Natural Turf 

Natural turf, also known as natural grass, is grass that grows naturally and doesn't contain artificial materials. Its distinctive feature is strong roots that spread beneath the surface, strengthening the field's surface.

2. Synthetic Turf

Synthetic turf is entirely human-made using various synthetic materials. Usually, artificial turf is filled with rubber granules that add elasticity to its surface. 

These rubber granules contribute to a more comfortable player experience and reduce potential impact injuries. Synthetic turf is often used as an alternative to natural grass, especially in climates or environments unsuitable for optimal natural grass growth.

3. Natural Hybrid Turf 

Natural hybrid turf is a commonly used type of grass. Its surface consists of natural grass growing on top of synthetic fibers. Generally, synthetic fibers contribute only a tiny proportion, usually less than five percent of the grass surface area. 

This combination provides the comfort and durability expected from natural grass, while maintaining better longevity, especially in challenging grass growth conditions.

4. Synthetic Hybrid Turf 

Synthetic hybrid turf is an enhanced artificial grass carpet that includes added sand but still requires maintenance similar to artificial grass fields.

Despite being artificial, synthetic hybrid turf still requires optimal care to keep the field surface in optimal condition. Its maintenance needs are similar to those of artificial grass fields.

Synthetic hybrid turf offers higher quality in terms of surface durability and stability, making it an attractive choice in various climate conditions and for intensive field use.

Regarding soccer field quality, selecting the correct type of grass is crucial. Each type of grass has different characteristics, including durability, appearance, and required maintenance.

If a stadium complies with any of these point, then it has the ability to host international football matches, including World Cup qualifying matches and other major tournaments.

4 FIFA Standard Stadiums in Indonesia 

Indonesia is committed to building FIFA-standard stadiums to elevate soccer's prestige. It involves upgrading facilities to meet the specified requirements. Here are examples of FIFA standard stadiums in Indonesia that Sobat Honda should know.

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1. Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta 

The Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (GBK) is one of Indonesia's sports icons that has undergone significant renovations to meet FIFA standards. Several facilities have been improved to meet these requirements. 

With a capacity of tens of thousands of spectators, GBK has hosted various international matches, including soccer, athletics, and music concerts. Modern amenities, such as giant LED screens and food facilities, make the watching experience at GBK highly impressive.

2. Kapten I Wayan Dipta Stadium, Gianyar, Bali 

The Kapten I Wayan Dipta Stadium in Bali is another example of a FIFA standard stadium in Indonesia. With the breathtaking natural backdrop of Bali, this stadium meets technical requirements and provides a stunning visual experience for spectators. Located amidst Bali's natural beauty, the stadium creates a unique atmosphere for soccer matches.

3. Mandala Krida Stadium, Yogyakarta 

The Mandala Krida Stadium in Yogyakarta is also among the FIFA standard stadiums in Indonesia. The stadium has a suitable capacity and adequate facilities, making it a venue for essential soccer matches and other sports and entertainment events. Mandala Krida Stadium is vital in supporting sports development in Yogyakarta and its surroundings.

4. Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Bandung, West Java 

Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, located in Bandung, West Java, is also listed among the FIFA standard stadiums in Indonesia. With ample seating capacity and modern facilities, the stadium has hosted various soccer matches, from national to international levels. It plays a significant role in the strong soccer spirit of West Java.

Now, Indonesia has better preparation to host international sports events with FIFA standard stadiums like GBK and Kapten I Wayan Dipta Stadium. It isn't just about hosting significant events but also creating a legacy that positively impacts local soccer development and sports enthusiasm nationwide.

These FIFA standard stadiums in Indonesia maintain good grass quality through consistent care. Regular mowing of soccer field grass is typically done around 2 to 3 times a week. This interval may vary based on factors like the type of grass used, local climate, field usage intensity, and established maintenance standards.

Regular mowing is crucial to preserve field surface quality, prevent excessively long grass growth, and ensure the field remains in optimal condition for soccer matches and training.

While maintaining soccer field grass, Sobat Honda can utilize lawnmower from Honda Power Products. Honda's lawnmower have exceptional performance, reliability, and advanced features.

Read Also: Types Of Soccer Field Grass And How To Maintain Them

These Honda lawnmower feature exclusive twin blades. Using dual blades results in optimal cutting and produces a neater grass appearance. The dual blades can cut grass into smaller pieces, making it easier to collect clippings, thus optimizing efficiency and reducing necessary work effort.

To acquire these lawnmower, Sobat Honda can visit Honda Power Products now!

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