Price List of Honda Water Pumps for June 2023
27 December 2023
The irrigation process in rice fields currently utilizes high-tech water pumps that allow Sobat Honda to irrigate rice fields quickly and easily. Honda Power Products makes the best water pump and is a good choice. Want to get to know each product and the price list for Honda water pumps? Of course, I can.
It should be noted that every Honda Power product has a large water flow rate and a lighter pump weight, making it easier for Sobat Honda to carry anywhere. Regarding fuel, Honda designs each of its water pump products with more efficient fuel consumption.
Intrigued by the product? In this article, Honda will describe each of its water pumps to make it easier for Sobat Honda to choose the best one for rice field irrigation process.
Latest Honda Water Pump Price List
Irrigation water pumps work by sending water obtained from lower place such as springs or rivers and then flowing it through the suction chamber to the outlet chamber with an impeller. Not only superior in the fast water supply process, Honda Power Products also have many other advantages in each type. The following is complete information for Sobat Honda:
1. WB20XN NF Water Pump
The first type of water pump is the WB20XN NF which is specifically designed to meet customer needs and provide water according to the desired volume. The WB20XN NF is powered by Honda Power's GX160 4-stroke engine, which is simple to operate, quick to start, and provides long-lasting power.
It's not enough to stop there, this water pump has low emissions, so it won't produce smoke that is too thick and disturbs the surrounding environment. WB20XN NF water pump with 2 inch inlet and inlet inlet. To get a Honda WB20XN NF series water pump, Sobat Honda need to prepare funds starting from just Rp. 4.6 million.
2. WB30XN NF Water Pump
Still from the same series, Honda Power presents the WB30XN NF water pump, which are designed with the Honda GX160 4-stroke engine. The difference between the WB30XN NF and the previous type is the size of the suction and irrigation holes, which are larger at 3 inches. The use of this water pump will provide a maximum irrigation capacity of 1,100 liters per minute. The WB30XN NF water pump is priced starting at IDR 4.7 million.
3. Water Pump WL20XN NF
Honda Power Product presents its superior product in the field of irrigation water pumps with the WL series. The WL20XN NF water pump has high engine performance and is suitable for various irrigation needs, such as drainage and rice fields.
This prime-powered water pump is a self-priming type, centrifugal pump with suction and drainage holes measuring 2 inches. The engine used in the WL series has a GP160H model, 4 stroke, OHV, 250 cc of gasoline. For only IDR 4.1 million, Sobat Honda can bring home this superior product.
Read Also: The Honda Water Pump Capacity Table
4. Water Pump WL30XN NF
Still from the WL series, the Honda Power WL30XN NF will make it easier for Sobat Honda when need an immediate supply of water because this machine can be started easily. Likewise with how to operate, the WL30XN NF is also very easy to use even though it is the first time using it.
Inside the WL30XN NF water pump engine, there is a transistorized magneto ignition system, which is an ignition system by creating a spark with a mixture of air and fuel. The price for the WL30XN NF water pump is around IDR 4.2 million.
5. Trash Pump WT20XK4
A trash pump is a tool used to manage a large enough water discharge for various purposes, such as draining water from dirty ponds, irrigating rice fields, circulating ponds, and so on. Trash Pump WT20X4 is presented with the GX160T2 engine type with a fuel capacity of 3.6 liters.
This product is suitable for Sobat Honda who need a water pump for special work related to water management activities. This trash pump has been equipped with a commercial grade engine that has reliable power even though it has to manage large amounts of water. The price itself is around IDR 15 million.
6. Trash Pump WT30XK4
Trash pump machines are often used to manage dirty water because the volume is quite large and the job gets done faster. Unlike the previous type, the WT30XK4 trash pump uses the GX270T2 engine with a large enough fuel capacity of 5.3 liters.
This water pump is a type of centrifugal, self-priming with a suction and discharge hole of 3.1 inches. If used continuously, the WT30XK4 water pump can be effective for 2.3 hours. Price The selling price itself is in the range of IDR 19 million to IDR 20 million.
7. Trash Pump WT40XK3
The last type of water pump is the Trash Pump WT40XK3 which is suitable for the needs of draining or distributing large amounts of water. Even though it usually manages dirty water, trash pumps can also be used to distribute clean water. The machine used in this trash pump is high quality equivalent to a commercial engine, namely the GX390T2 type.
This machine can accommodate 2.1 liters of fuel and a gross power of 9.6 kWh / 3,600 rpm. The WT40XK3 product has a maximum water flow delivery of 433 / 1640 gal per minute. Having various advantages that benefit its users, this tool is priced at around IDR 26 million.
In order to make it easier for Sobat Honda to do price comparisons and find the right choice of Honda Power water pump, we present the complete price range data below:
Product Name |
Price |
Rp4.844.000 |
Rp4.983.000 |
Rp4.357.000 |
Rp4.494.000 |
Rp15.806.000 |
Rp20.257.000 |
Rp28.232.000 |
So that's complete information about the price list of Honda water pump that Sobat Honda can use as an alloy and material for consideration before Sobat Honda buy the product choices. If Sobat Hondaare satisfied, Sobat Honda can immediately visit Honda Power Product and find the nearest dealer so that Sobat Honda can transact more comfortably.
All Honda Power Product water pumps are SNI licensed so they are safe to use. Furthermore, Sobat Honda will also get a warranty for 1 year. Honda even designed products with water pump technology and designs from Japan.
Need this product for irrigation? What are Sobat Honda waiting for? Complete Sobat Honda water pump needs with Honda Power Products immediately that are comfortable, trusted and safe.

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