10 Types of Fast-Growing and Beautiful Ground Cover Plants

16 November 2023

Jenis Tanaman Penutup Tanah

When designing a beautiful and environmentally friendly garden, one aspect often overlooked is using ground cover plants. Various ground cover plants can create a green layer covering empty soil with an attractive visual appearance.

In addition to attractive aesthetics, ground cover plants have ecological benefits such as reducing soil erosion, retaining water, and providing shelter for beneficial insects in plant growth.

To find out the types of ground cover plants that grow quickly and can give a beautiful appearance to your garden, Sobat Honda can see the complete description below.

What are Ground Cover Plants?

Ground cover plants are a group of plants that can grow evenly across the soil surface and form a low vegetation layer covering open land.

Beyond their aesthetic aspects, ground cover plants also play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy soil ecosystem. The strong and dense root system of ground cover plants prevents soil erosion by binding soil particles, conserves soil moisture, and controls weed growth.

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Ground cover plants in a garden provide dual benefits: physical protection against soil erosion and enhanced visual beauty. Apart from protecting the soil from erosion, ground cover plants also contribute to maintaining the balance of microorganisms in the soil.

Roots and leaves covering the soil help maintain soil moisture and a more stable temperature while providing a habitat for various beneficial microbes that nourish plants.

Moreover, another benefit of ground cover plants is weed control. These plants can reduce the exposure to sunlight that weeds need to proliferate, resulting in a cleaner garden area, Sobat Honda.

Types of Ground Cover Plants

When Sobat Honda thinks about a beautiful garden, lush trees and blooming flowers might come to mind. However, a group of plants is often overlooked: ground cover plants. These plants play a significant role in beautifying the soil surface, protecting it from erosion, and providing aesthetic appeal. Let's get to know these ground cover plant types.

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1. Mini Elephant Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum)

Mini elephant grass, also known as Manila grass, is one of the noteworthy ground cover plants. Thriving in various conditions, the grass features fresh green leaves that create a natural carpet.

Furthermore, its rapid growth can cover large areas relatively quickly. The beauty and durability of mini elephant grass make it a suitable choice for creating a beautiful and sustainable garden.

2. Hanging Flowers (Portulaca grandiflora)

Hanging flowers offer a variety of colors and visual appeal as ground cover plants. Bright and captivating flowers growing above thick leaves create a beautiful sight for anyone.

This plant is very suitable for areas of the garden that are exposed to direct sunlight, because hanging flowers grow when exposed to sunlight. When these flowers bloom, hanging flowers will add a refreshing touch of color to Sobat Honda garden landscape.

3. Red Oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)

Red oxalis is a unique type of ground cover plant. Its striking red heart-shaped leaves can provide an intriguing accent among other plants.

The distinctive shape and color of red oxalis leaves make it an appealing choice for adding visual variety to Sobat Honda garden. Thriving in partial to shady sunlight conditions, red oxalis is visually appealing and functional.

4. Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia)

For Sobat Honda that seeking unique characteristics in ground cover plants, creeping jenny might be a great option. Also known as moneywort, this plant features round leaves that creep along the soil surface.

In summer, small yellow flowers will appear and add extra beauty to Sobat Honda garden. Creeping Jenny leaves can be an attractive choice of ground cover plants for Sobat Honda lawn, thanks to their unique characteristics.

5. Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans)

Bugleweed can be an enticing choice if Sobat Honda desire color variation in your garden. Its small green to purple leaves make this plant stand out in your garden.

Vertical spike-like flowers add a visual dimension to Sobat Honda garden. Bugleweed enhances beauty and contributes ecologically by preventing soil erosion and creating a favorable environment for insects and soil microorganisms.

6. Spiderwort (Tradescantia spp.)

Spiderwort exemplifies how ground cover plants can introduce colorful visuals to Sobat Honda garden. This plant provides a fresh and appealing visual touch with its colorful leaves.

The diversity in leaf colors and textures makes spiderwort suitable for areas with moderate to low light. Its robust and long-lasting growth brings a cheerful ambiance to garden areas that could use an extra touch.

7. Baby's Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Baby's tears, known as krokot tanah, draw attention with their small, closely packed leaves resembling a green carpet. This plant thrives in shaded and damp garden areas, where it can thrive.

With its unique appearance and adaptability to specific environmental conditions, baby tears can naturally beautify areas that might be challenging for other plants.

8. Silver Carpet (Dymondia margaretae)

Silver carpet plant boasts distinct allure, especially in its thick, silver-colored leaves. Its even growth across Sobat Honda garden makes it an ideal ground cover plant.

With its visually striking features, silver carpet adds an attractive touch to your garden's aesthetics. Sobat Honda can even plant silver carpets in pots and arrange them in front of your garden for enhanced aesthetic appeal.

9. Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Lavender offers not only a soothing fragrance but also serves as an attractive ground cover plant. Its aromatic gray-green leaves and beautiful purple flowers create a charming display.

Beyond its beauty, lavender attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, which play a crucial role in plant development. Other plant species in Sobat Honda garden can also benefit from lavender's presence.

10. Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans)

Bugleweed is a visually appealing ground cover plant, mainly due to its colorful leaves and spike-shaped flowers that attract insects.

Thriving in partial to shady conditions, this plant adds an exciting splash of color to garden areas with limited direct sunlight.

If Sobat Honda are considering these various types of ground cover plants, Sobat Honda has many options for creating beautiful and useful layers of plants in the garden.

​​Each plant brings unique characteristics and ecological benefits, and contributes to the diversity and balance of the garden's ecosystem. Make sure to choose plants that suit the environmental conditions, Sobat Honda. Don't forget to take good care of the plants so that they thrive and provide long-term benefits.

Sobat Honda can maintain these plants by providing appropriate fertilization and using a sprayer to apply pest control solutions. Various types of sprayers are available, including multipurpose machines.

For a more effective and efficient pest control spraying process, it's advisable to use a sprayer that powered with multipurpose engine, Sobat Honda. Honda Power Products offers a range of reliable multipurpose engine that are easy to operate and fuel-efficient.

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Discover the best and most dependable multipurpose machines tailored to Sobat Honda's needs at Honda Power Products. Check specifications and prices now!

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