12 Easy Ways How to Create a Simple Backyard Garden

28 December 2023

cara membuat taman belakang rumah

Having a beautiful and simple backyard garden may be one of Sobat Honda’s dreams. Utilizing the land behind the house as a garden can be an efficient and easy recreation facility. Combining natural elements, various plants and creative design, the backyard can be transformed into the perfect relaxing area.

In this article, Honda Power will review various ways that Sobat Honda can apply to create a beautiful and inspiring backyard garden. So, for Sobat Honda planning a house design with a garden behind the house, read the following information to the end.

12 Easy Ways to Make a Simple Backyard Garden

12 Cara Membuat Taman Belakang Rumah yang Sederhana dengan Mudah 

In making a simple and easy backyard garden, of course, Sobat Honda need to prepare several things to look charming and be a comfortable place to relax with your family. The following is how to make a simple backyard garden that Sobat Honda need to know about:

Read Also: 7 Easy-To-Replicate Minimalist Garden Design Ideas

1. Planning

Before constructing a rear garden, Sobat Honda needed to carefully plan both the size of the land for the back garden and the desired shape or design of the back garden.

In planning this, Sobat Honda also need to pay attention to several factors, such as the availability of space to be designed as a rear garden, the desired design or style of the back garden by making a sketch, the type of soil in the garden, the climate, the intensity of sun exposure, and also the planning of the plants that will be used that are adapted to the conditions of the land or environment, Sobat Honda.

2. Spatial Planning

Spatial planning is also a step in creating a simple and easy back garden. In spatial planning, Sobat Honda can use a perspective or impression that can be seen by the eye when you see the garden.

An example of spatial planning is positioning small plants or flowers in a place a little farther away. As for plants that have striking and bright colors, Sobat Honda can position them where they are easily visible. Apart from that, in spatial planning, determine the areas that will be used for the sitting room, recreation room and gardening room.

3. Selection of Plants

Sobat Honda can choose the right plants for the garden behind the house. In selecting plants, they must also be adjusted to the available land and the desired garden style or design. If Sobat Honda has a small backyard, avoid using large plants. This will make the space in the back garden appear smaller and darker.

4. Hardscape Setup

On the other hand, hardscape arrangements can also balance the appearance of the back garden. Adding hard elements such as wood and rocks can bring out the character or characteristics of the garden itself. The use of stone or brick can be maximized by making a path or terrace area in the garden.

5. Lighting

Lighting in the back garden also needs attention. Installing lights in the back garden can give the impression of beautiful lighting, especially at night. Sobat Honda can focus light on several spots that Sobat Honda wants to highlight, such as water elements (fountains), statue elements, or certain plants.

6. Treatment and Irrigation

Care and irrigation systems in the back garden also need to be considered in making a back garden. Do garden maintenance regularly and regularly. This includes watering, fertilizing and regular tidying or pruning properly. Sobat Honda can also consider using an automatic irrigation system to facilitate the garden maintenance process so that the plants in the garden get an adequate water supply.

7. Embellishments and Decorations

Using ornaments and garden decorations can add aesthetic value to making a garden behind the house. Sobat Honda can add some decorations such as jars, statues, and natural stones to give an aesthetic impression to the park. The selection of outdoor furniture and accessories tailored to the desired style or design can also enhance the garden's appearance.

8. Select Embedding Media Options

Want to create a backyard but need a large backyard? This method can be a solution in making a simple backyard garden easily. Selection of planting media that suits the conditions of Sobat Honda backyard.

Some plants do not have to be planted in a wide planting medium. Sobat Honda can change the planting medium by using small pots on the floor or hanging them.

In addition, using vertical fields as a planting medium can also be a suitable alternative for limited land. Choosing vines placed on the wall can also be done by Sobat Honda to beautify the garden.

9. Set the Back Garden Color Combinations Well

Sobat Honda can combine several plants with various colors to create an attractive and not boring backyard garden. Not only do flowering plants have a variety of colors, but there are also many plants whose leaves have a variety of colours. Apart from that, Sobat Honda can also decorate potted plants to make them more colorful.

10. Pay Attention to Drainage or Drains

When planning a beautiful backyard, one of the things Sobat Honda need to pay close attention to is drainage or water channels. Having a good drainage system is very important to avoid standing water or flooding, which can damage the garden.

Look carefully at the topography of the back garden, checking how the water flows and where puddles are likely to occur when it rains. By understanding its natural characteristics, Sobat Honda will be able to plan better.

Next, make careful planning for the waterways. Sobat Honda can choose whether they want to use open channels that are visible or hidden channels that are embedded below ground level. Adjust your choice to the needs and aesthetics of your garden, Sobat Honda.

11. Prioritize Comfort

In making a garden behind the house, you also have to pay attention to its comfort. To create a comfortable and beautiful atmosphere in the backyard, Sobat Honda can add a fish pond behind the house and combine it with comfortable garden chairs or a relaxing area to a children's play area. This fish pond or relaxing area can be a focal point and give character to the backyard.

12. Arranging Garden with Vegetable Plants

For Sobat Honda who are aware of healthy living, this is a solution or a way to make a suitable backyard, namely by planting vegetables. The garden behind the house doesn't have to be filled with flower plants, but Sobat Honda can also fill the backyard with various vegetable plants.

In addition, growing your vegetables tends to be healthier because Sobat Honda doesn't have to worry about chemicals or pesticides in the vegetables you plant. There are several ways to grow vegetables in the backyard, such as microgreens, hydroponics, or using ordinary small pots.

Those are some ways to make a simple and easy backyard garden to complement your Sobat Honda's house. Also, find various backyard garden design references according to your wishes or dreams before arranging them.

The most important thing in making a garden behind the house is the availability of land and optimal land use. If Sobat Honda still needs clarification or recommendations for creating a garden, you can consult with more skilled staff in their fields.

Apart from that, an equally important part to consider when planning to make a garden behind your house is qualified gardening equipment so that the garden is always well-maintained, clean and tidy, Sobat Honda. The quality of these garden tools will greatly determine how the garden behind the house will look later.

Read Also: 20 Tips To Make Your Front Garden Look Beautiful

Therefore, if Sobat Honda want to optimize your backyard garden by ensuring the grass is kept neat, don't hesitate to choose a brush cutter from Honda Power.

Possessing well-known quality and the latest technology, Honda Power products offer reliable solutions for efficient lawn mowing needs. So, Sobat Honda can mow the grass quickly but with results that are still neat and look clean.

There's nothing to doubt, find the best and most trusted brush cutter according to Sobat Honda needs only at Honda Power Products.

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