Types of Genset Panels Available and Their Functions

24 December 2023

panel genset

Sobat Honda must already know about the generator engines, however, does Sobat Honda know what panels are on a generator? What are the various generator panels and how do they work? If Sobat Honda are curious, this article can help Sobat Honda find the various types of generator panels and their respective functions.

The generator panel itself is a control tool used to regulate and manage the operation of a generator. The use of generator panels is also very important to maintain the reliability and efficiency of generator operations, especially in critical applications such as hospitals, factories, data centers and commercial buildings where the reliability of the electricity supply is crucial.

Generator Panel Definition

The generator panel is a control device used for managing the operation of a generator. This panel usually consists of various electronic components and hardware which aim in order to control, monitor, and maintain the performance of the generator machine, so that it satisfies demand for power. 

The Function of Generator Panel 

Following explanation is the functions of the generator panel that Sobat Hondas need to know.

1. Start/Stop Genset 

The generator panel allows users to turn on (start) and turn off (stop) the generator machine according to their needs and can also be done manually or automatically based on pre-set programming.

2. Monitoring the Generator’s Condition

The generator panel can monitor various generator performance parameters, such asoil pressure, fuel pressure, electric current, electric voltage,and so forth. This monitoring helps in detecting problems or required maintenance.

3. Protection and Security

The generator panel is equipped with automatic protection to avoid damage to the generator. For example, if the generator engine experiences overheating or capacityIf the oil drops below the safe limit, the panel will shut off the generator to prevent further damage.

4. Fuel Monitoring

The generator panel can also monitor generator fuel consumption, as well as ensure that there is enough fuel to run the generator for a certain period of time, and give a warning if the fuel is running low.

Read Also: Is It Safe To Run The Generator 24 Hours? Find Out Here!

Various Types of Generator Panels

1. Panel ATS

The ATS generator panel is an automatic device used in order to control the transfer of loads from the main electricity supply (PLN) to a backup power source, such as a generator or battery system, automatically when a power outage occurs. Having an ATS panel can help Sobat Honda ensure the continuity of electricity supply in applications that require critical electrical power.

The ATS generator panel has several functions such as detecting power outages because ATS continuously monitors the electricity supply from PLN. When a power outage occurs, ATS will automatically detect this change in a very short time.

2. Panel AMF

The AMF (Automatic Main Failure) panel is a type of generator panel which functions to control and regulate the performance of the generator when a power outage occurs. The AMF panel can also monitor the condition of the generator and provide warnings if there is a problem with the generator.

The AMF panel continuously monitors the main electricity supply (PLN). The main function of this panel is to quickly detect power outages or failure of the main electricity supply. After detecting a main power outage, the AMF panel will automatically turn on the generator as a backup power source. The goal is to ensure that the electricity supply to the related load continues without interruption.

Generator Panel Installation

Installation of the generator panel needs to be done correctly to maintain the performance of the Genset Panel. Here are some tips for installing generator panels:

  • Choose the Right Location: The generator panel's installation location needs to be chosen correctly to avoid damage to the generator panels.

  • Ensure that the cables are installed properly: The cables and connections on the generator panel need to be installed correctly to maintain the performance of it.

  • Test the generator panels after the installation: After the generator panel is installed, a test run needs to be carried out to ensure the performance of it.

Therefore, Sobat Honda must choose and use the generator panel correctly to make all the matters and work that will be done easier. However, Sobat Honda should be happy because Honda Power Products has many kinds of generators with functions and specifications that can be adjusted to the needs that Sobat Honda want.

Sobat Hondas can confirm directly the condition and quality of the generator panel that Honda Power Products have by visiting the website or nearest official Honda Power Products dealer in Sobat Honda's home area.

Read Also: 5 Types Of Businesses That Need A Generator

If Sobat Honda are still confused and want to ask about several things about the  generators or generator panels, Sobat Honda can contact Honda Power Products team directly and ask about what kind of machine Sobat Honda need.

So what are you waiting for? No need to wait any longer and enjoy high service and quality goods only at Honda Power Products.

So what are you waiting for? No need to wait any longer and enjoy high service and quality goods only at Honda Power Products.

Honda Power Products Indonesia

Honda Power Products menyediakan mesin serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, pompa air, dan mesin tempel.

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